Book Reviews

Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both our Hearts and Our Minds by Jen Wilkin

Women of the Word Jen Wilkin

Women of the Word Jen Wilkin

I have to admit, it’s been a while since I read a book. Throughout the year, I’ve made an attempt to finish one or two but usually stop.  My goal for the summer is to tackle a few since I now have a little more free time.

I decided to pick up Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word because I’ve heard really excellent reviews regarding it and, boy were they right!
Once I started reading it, it was difficult to put it down because the book is filled with so much truth and wisdom.

Although the book is called Women of the Word, I’d recommend it to just about anyone wanting to grow in Bible literacy. The author emphasizes studying the Bible not just from a me-centered approach but studying the Word as a way to grow closer to God as we study His characteristics.

I have been guilty of this. I’ve sometimes studied the Word with the hope that it’ll make me feel better about myself. You know, we’re taught to run to Psalm 139 if we don’t feel beautiful or go to Philippians 4:13 during our times of doubt in our ability to perform a task. The author digs into why this and a few other habits we practice are dangerous.  I realized that I have been using some of these exact same methods when it comes to studying the Bible.

One of the main alliteration Jen Wilkin shares in calling her readers to cultivating good habits in studying the Word is the Five P’s of Sound Study.

She teaches that we must:
1. Study with Purpose
2. Study with Perspective
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3. Study with Patience
4. Study with Process
5. Study with Prayer

I am amazed at how she perfectly connect all five of these P’s.  She describes how using these tools will help build Bible literacy and ultimately strengthen your love for God.

If you have been struggling with studying the Bible, I’d highly recommend this book. Jen Wilkin recognizes that many may have developed unhealthy habits and she presents a variety of tools on how to break these existing habits by equipping ourselves to understand and practice the Word.

I truly admire that the author made known why Bible literacy is a must. One of my favorite quote that I think sums up the purpose of the book is:

“We must make a study of our God: what he loves, what he hates, how he speaks and acts. We cannot imitate a God whose features and habits we have never learned. We must make a study of him if we want to become like him. We must seek his face.”

What are some methods you use that guide you to effectively study the Bible?

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