
Top Secrets to Living a fulfilled and Peaceful life

Nope, this isn’t another “how to be happy” post.  It’s a bit deeper than that and soon you’ll you see how.

Maybe the last time you took time to evaluate your life, you felt like you could be doing better. Almost as though something is lacking.

Or perhaps every single second of your life is full of joy; you feel like you’re exactly where you should be and doing everything you should be doing.

I may not know what your view on your life may be right now, but I want to share some top secrets with you.

(p.s you’re welcome to share those secrets with loved ones hehe).

These secrets can be life changing if you allow them to be.

Oh, they’re not secrets I came up with. More like they’ve been passed on.

Guess from whom?

Alright, alright. I’ll tell you. These secrets can be found in the book of Philippians chapter 4: 4-7 written by apostle Paul.

I’ll get right into it.

Secret 1: To rejoice in the Lord (verse 4)

To me, rejoicing in the Lord requires faith. Faith that His grace is enough. Faith that everything is under His control and it will all work out for our good. The words “joy” or “rejoice” is referred to 15 times in the Book of Philippians. While Paul was writing this book, he was going through some tough stuff (imagine being imprisoned for years for Christ’s sake), yet he chose to rejoice in God. He believed that regardless of his circumstance, God got his back.

Secret 2: Be considerate of others in all you do (verse 5)

I know we currently live in a society where it’s all about “me, myself and I”, but that is not what God wants of us. The second greatest commandment is to love others as we love ourselves, right?

So here, Paul is just re-emphasizing the fact that it is indeed important to be considerate and care for others if we want to live a fulfilled life. There is so much joy that comes out of being there for others and God wants us to experience that.

Secret 3: Don’t worry about anything (verse 6)

If you read the entire verse, we see Paul adds an “instead”. I love that He’s not just telling us what not to do but also suggesting what to do as well.
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Think about it. When you spend time worrying, you’re usually focused on negative things and usually, they are out of your control. Paul is saying instead of us worrying, pray to God.

Imagine if we thank God for the things He’s getting to do instead of continually wondering why things aren’t working out as we wish.

Allow the peace of God to guard your heart and mind (verse 7)

Paul writes in verse 7,

“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”.

This is oh so good!! The word then is used because experiencing the peace of God is a result of putting into practice secret 1,2 and 3.

The fact is you’re gonna go through some pretty tough stuff in life, you have no control over that. But, what you have power over is how you react to your circumstances.

Paul is saying in order for you to experience this peace of God, you’ll have to overcome your very own feelings. When you find yourself going through a difficult time, do you spend hours worrying about it or do you pray? Just really thanking God for His faithfulness. He’s got your back before so, surely He got it this time and the next time.

It’s in our human nature to want things to be all about us, but are we remembering the sacrifices of Jesus and how if we call ourselves His followers we ought to be considerate of others and love them?

I hope you’re following me here. Paul isn’t saying that we will not worry- because we will.

But when you start to worry, choose to pray instead.

When you start to think of only what’s best for you, start thinking of others.

And when you start to think of how bad your circumstances may be, rejoice in the Lord.

If you’d like to like to live a fulfilled life full of peace (not any kind of peace but the one that surpasses understanding), then follow those three things listed above.

These secrets from Philippians 4:4-7 has been life-changing for me. My prayer for you is that you take some time to go over the chapter, meditate on the words and go before the Lord in prayer with an open heart and willingness to apply those Words to your life.

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(2) Comments

  1. Victoria Gomes says:

    Love this. Amen, words that I needed to hear now

    1. Synthia says:

      Praise God sis!!❤❤❤

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