
3 Tips if You Struggle to Spend Time With God While Quarantined

3 Tips If You Struggle to Spend Time With God During Quarantine

3 Tips if You Struggle to Spend Time With God While Quarantined

If you’ve been on any type of social media lately, you’ve seen the post saying something along the line if you don’t come out of quarantine with a new skill or something then something’s not right. There’s also the other side saying “well, some people just need rest”.

Honestly, I don’t care which one you choose. You know what’s best for you but here’s one thing that’s been on my heart that I want to share with you…Whether you choose to work your butt off or decide to use this time to rest, you must do this:

I need you to spend some time with your Heavenly Father.

Who am I to tell you what to do? I’m nobody, really. I just know I needed to share this with you. Many of us say things like, “if only I had more time, I would spend it with God”. Well there’s the time. Spend it with Him.

I believe many will come out of this spiritually stronger than ever and I pray you’re one of these people.  If spending time with God is an area you’re struggling with right now, please continue reading. 

Here are 3 tips that will help:

  1. Find out Your Distractions 

Ask yourself:

What is distracting me? You may not know right away but if you haven’t been able to focus on God– something is distracting you. 

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 NKJV

This is real. Right now, the devil does NOT want you to draw near to God so he will try any and everything to stray your attention towards other activities. We need to be aware of the enemy’s devices so that Satan will not outsmart us (2 Corinthians  2:11)

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    2. Fast

    I’ve been in the place when I feel like my relationship with God is stagnant and fasting never fails to help. Sometimes it’s difficult to let go of our distractions unless we’re intentional about letting them go. That’s what fasting does. 

    What’s your schedule filled with right now? Maybe Netflix, work (for some), a couple hours of social media? Take those things (the ones you can) and substitute them with worship music, prayer, and reading of the Word. 

    3. Get Accountability

    Who do you have you can call and ask to pray with you? If you don’t have a close friend you can do this with, call a pastor, leader or someone you believe to care for your spiritual well being. 

    God desires an intimate relationship with you.

    Call me dramatic, but you may need to read this again: God desires an intimate relationship with you. Will you spend some time with Him today? 

    How have you been holding on with COVID-19 so far? How can I pray for you? Let me know below.


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