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You know one trend I’ve noticed as I continue my walk with Christ is He never cease to bring in the right people for each season of our lives. Reflecting on that, I am absolutely amazed!
It is true that God will supply all of our needs according to His glorious riches. Often times when we think of this verse, we think of financial needs, but it means more than that! The God we serve is able to provide so much more than we can imagine. He cares about each and every single one of our needs. I love that He knows what we need more than we know!
As I look back on my journey with Christ so far, He has always been faithful in putting the right people in my life to help me grow spiritually. I’m amazed at how He has carefully chosen those people for a specific reason in each season of my life. These people all play different roles, for example, some mentor me, strengthen me, hold me accountable or encourage me to not settle for less in my relationship with God.
If you’re thinking, well God hasn’t been doing that for me.
I’ll ask you a few questions:
For one, have you been asking God to bring you people to help you grow? And second, when he does bring you someone, are you sure you aren’t pushing that person away?
I ask these questions because they need to be answered in order for God to begin to work. It is important for us to pray and trust God to bring us together with someone. I get it. We are all broken and imperfect people which often make us unwilling to be vulnerable.
If we are not used to an atmosphere where healthy relationships are available, we may feel like we have no need for them. Some of us try to rationalize our need for healthy relationships by keeping our lives busy with everything else. But the fact is it is a vital part of our walk.
All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it. The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.” (1 Corinthians 12:27,21)
In my early stages of my walk, I would cross off certain people I didn’t feel like are “spiritually fit” enough to help me grow (Selfish much?). Eventually, I learned that ought not to be the case. There is always something to be learned from another believer who’s focus is to glorify Jesus. As long as both parties are willing to meet each other on the same level, then it’ll work out. Sometimes you may have to build relationships where you are the one pouring into the lives of others and that’s okay. Because then, we will understand why ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35).
What do you fear?
I’m not sure about you but growing up in my household, my parents were constantly telling me to not make friends. They were betrayed in the past and taught me that not one soul ought to be trusted. I spent a long time believing that. I even attempted to restrain myself from potential friends until I learned the benefit of genuine, healthy relationships. Godly relationships are beneficial and are a must-have in this Christian walk.
Whether your fear is rejection, inability to love or anything else, God never intended for us to live lives isolated from others. So yes! We NEED healthy, godly relationship in our lives.
I challenge you today to ask Jesus for help in this area of your life.
Trust that He will answer you. Start practicing being honest with Him. And when He does send you someone, set aside time to build that relationship, allow God to be the center of it and watch it flourish.
I’m honestly overwhelmed by your content i feel like God is speaking to me int this season through you! bless you sis!
Wow! Praise God sis. This is very encouraging to hear💙😊😊 Thank you for reading!