
My Personal Vision Statement and Why You Should Write Your Own

Vision Statements.

You probably immediately associate those two words with organizations. That’s usually when we hear those words, but have you ever thought of writing your own personal vision statement?

I did this for the first time recently and it felt good. It felt good writing down my personal vision statement because through the process, I was able to focus on what is most important.

When was the last time you actually sat down and evaluate your life?

I’m not talking about spending countless hours analyzing your life; 30 minutes or less will do.

In Becoming the Woman God Wants You to be, Donna Partow shares an exercise in aiding with writing your own personal vision statement.

It goes like this:

1. Start with listing two unique qualities you possess.

Think of the qualities that make you stand out. Choose the top two that best describes you.

2.Think of one or two ways you enjoy expressing those qualities when it comes to interacting with others

You’ve seen yourself in action before. Think about it.

3. Imagine we live in a perfect world. Describe what you see

How does it feel like being in your imaginary world? How is everyone interacting with one another?

4. Put all three of your answers together in one statement

See how simple that is?

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Go ahead and try it 🙂

My personal vision statement turned out to be something like this:


“To be loving and empathetic toward everyone and using my determination to challenge people to know Jesus

and live fearlessly for Him.”

Now that you’ve written yours and got a look of mine. Here comes the next step:

What do you need to change to reach your vision?

What are some things you’re gonna need to modify? Let go of?

Personally, I know I will have to discipline myself more so that my focus is shifted toward growth in order to reach my vision. My vision statement should be reflected in every area of my life including the workplace, social life, social media and more.

Whatever it is you value most in life, whatever you want to make the focal point of your life; write your vision statement around that.

You’ll be surprised how much writing it down can make a difference.

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(2) Comments

  1. Great Read!!!! Thanks for these tips!

    1. Synthia says:

      Hi @thenakedwriter! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it! 🙂

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