Relationship Singleness

For the Single Girl Who is Desperate For a Romantic Relationship

For the Single Girl Who is Desperate For a Romantic Relationship

He calls and texts you multiple times a day to “check on you”.

He constantly asks you if you’re gonna give him a chance.

He thinks everything you say is the best thing ever.

He asks you questions like, “Do you have any other girlfriends I can be friends with? I need some other friends”.

In other words, he is desperate to be in a relationship. He is extremely needy and has a void he thinks will be filled through dating or being in a relationship.

I know I’ve met a ton of desperate guys. I’m sure you probably have too, right? Try to think back to how much of a nuisance you find these kinds of guys to be.

Today, we won’t be talking about the desperate guys we’ve all encountered.

For the Single Girl Who is Desperate For a Romantic Relationship

We’ll be talking about us as women and how we too can appear desperate.

If you don’t believe there are women out there that are desperate; let me be the first to tell you that there are. Most women may not appear to be as desperate as some men, but you’d be surprised at the things we as women do that make us appear so desperate.

Difference between desiring a relationship and being desperate for one

It is completely okay to desire to have a partner if that’s God’s will for you. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone. God originally created us for companionship.

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The issue lies when you begin to feel like your life is miserable if you aren’t in a relationship or dating. Or because everyone around you is getting married, you feel like you must rush to be in a relationship.

In that case, you’ll literally do anything to get into a relationship in order to not feel “miserable”. This becomes a concern when you start lowering your standards because you don’t want to be alone.

That’s the cycle I see some women get into. They despise being alone, so they lower their standard to be with any guy that comes their way. Eventually, when they snap out of it; they realize they wasted so much time.

Not only will being desperate leave you with compromising your standards and values, but this will result in you being in so much pain. You may get so desperate that you think having sex with him will make him love you more (wrong) or you may believe if you do whatever he asks of you, he’ll stay with you. And sometimes, some women don’t get to snap out of it and realize they’re only with this person out of desperate.

Sis, before making a decision to date this guy knowing full well he’s not who you see yourself with, think about if you really want to spend your time and energy cultivating a relationship you know will only crumble. Pray and ask God to help you know whether or not this relationship will help your growth or if it will slow you down.

As a Precious Daughter of Jesus, you know God wants His best for you.

Don’t be that woman

My dear sister, I don’t want you to be that woman that gets so desperate to be in a relationship that she’s willing to settle for whoever comes her way. Why not, you ask?

Because when you’re so desperate, you’ll be just like the guy I talked about in the very beginning. It will show.

Instead of being desperate for a guy, be desperate for Christ.

As you focus your attention on living your life for Christ, the desire for a relationship will still be there. One main difference will be that you’ll no longer feel as though being in a relationship is the most important thing in life. You will see that your joy comes from God and living for him- not from being in a relationship. If it’s God’s will, your special guy will find you at the right time.

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(1) Comment

  1. Victoria says:

    Great article!

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