
How to Dive Deeper into the Bible This Year

It’s a new year and your goal this year is to get closer to God. Am I right?

Well, getting closer to God will involve spending time with Him and communicating with Him. So I can
assume part of your goal this year is to read the Bible more. Let me stop right there:

That’s been my goal for the past couple of years until one year I made something else my goal. Something I found to be extremely useful…

Why I stopped trying to read the Bible in one year

I decided to stop trying to read the whole Bible in one year (and never actually get there lol).

I made up my mind that year I would actually try to study the Bible instead of rushing to read it. As much as I know that would take much longer than a year to do, I did not really see why I needed to be in a rush. So slowly but surely, I started to look into different methods that would be helpful.Dive deeper into the Bible

I wanted to get the most out of my study time without being overwhelmed because once it gets overwhelming, I pretty
much discontinue the method I’m using to find something that works best for me. Can you relate? I mean who wants to use complicated methods anyways.

Simple and fun Bible study method

The method that I will be sharing with you is extremely simple and I think you’re gonna have so much fun studying your Bible this year using it.

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Learn to study the Bible in just a few simple steps!

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