Christian Mental & Emotional Health: Is professional help necessary?
It is a real struggle for us as Christians to understand when to seek help for our mental and emotional health. We love and trust our amazing God. We know there is healing through His Son – so why would we need professional mental or emotional help? Does seeking help in this area mean our faith is weak? Or not real? Are we loser Christians? “Depression is to the psychological self as pain is to the physical self” D. Martinelli Sometimes we even wait too long to seek the help we need. We keep trying and trying. And not finding the relief we seek, so we give up on God or His body, or both. As Jesus Followers, we can have some goofed up ideas like if our children or we have mental or emotional health issues, it is our fault.
A Christian with Mental and Emotional Health Problems is Human
Share on XNot wrong, not crazy. Just human. I know it can be hard to wrap our brains around, but seriously – if you broke your leg would you think you are a terrible Chrisitan for going to the doctor? We argue, mostly with ourselves, that mental and emotional health is different. And maybe that is a good thing if you look at it from the angle that we are so confident that God is reigning in our hearts – and we have faith He can heal our hearts and minds also. And if it is an essential faith thing with you, more power to you. Do you wait on physical healings also? I do not mean that in a snarky manner. However, you need to think it through to that level.
Our Lack is in Ourselves, Not Him
I believe for most of us; it is more of an inward reflection on ourselves. We must not love Him right or well enough. We are defective. We are screwed up. Me, me me. Notice how inwardly turned this thinking is? To which, let’s say a loud “yeah, so what”? It isn’t about us. It is about Him. And if we can trust Him or not. Trust Him to love us and guide us through the process of getting help when we need it.
Do we trust Him to work through those who are trained to help? If we can trust His protection through our cultures messed up medical system, surely we can allow Him to protect our hearts and minds also. “One in four Americans suffers from some kind of mental illness in any given year….. Many look to their church for spiritual guidance…. they’re unlikely to find much help on Sunday mornings.”Lifeway Research

Yes, there is plenty of self-help for mental and emotional health.
Depression and other mental and emotional health issues run in my family. Generationally. I’m not going to get into whether it is a generational curse or matter. No more than I would if cardio issues run in your family. My daughter is an expert academic researcher and uses this skill to study, and problem solve. While she has dealt with depression for many years, she is on top of it. She is diligent and persevering in keeping her mental and emotional health care current and active. She also wisely uses doctors and therapists to keep on top of her mental and emotional health. And she is healthy. Not that she never struggles. But she’s got this.
And You Can Too – Your Mental & Emotional Health is Yours to Embrace
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Mental & Emotional Health Should Not Self-Loathing
And neither should we allow ourselves to go there when it comes to our mental and emotional health. As Christians, we are not perfect. Most of us are not miracle workers; we just love and worship The One who is. Enter the healing process as a Christian dealing with mental and emotional health with eyes looking to bring glory to God. Faith that He can heal, and He can use you. Leave the decision about which up to Him.
He is Our Healer – Even in Mental & Emotional Health
God heals broken legs, broken hearts, and even broken brains. He is a big, big God. We can trust Him completely. If your heart is broken, or you feel your mind is not functioning as it should – if depression is overwhelming you, seek help now. Christian mental and emotional health is no different than anyone else. We know the great Healer. And we can trust Him. NOT ourselves.
Consequently, we can’t heal ourselves to bring glory to Him. That is not how it works. Stop trying so hard. Stop beating yourself up. Whether it is a genetic predisposition or a situational trauma, it does not make you a lesser believer. Don’t prove your faith to anyone – you know how much you love and trust Him. If someone looks down on you for getting help, that is their issue, not yours.
Walk through your valley hand in hand with your Creator.
Indeed, that’s where you will bring Him glory.
Be weak. So He can be strong.

Cate is over blogging at Blessed Reject, using her own struggles to encourage and inspire others to heal and overcome rejection and betrayal. She believes processing and grieving your pain, finding a path to forgiveness are key to thriving again – better than ever! Visit Cate here!