
Three lessons I’m learning in my First Relationship

Lessons i'm learning in my first relationship. To glorify God is the goal
 You’ve ever met a single person who’s never been in a relationship yet think they know so much about relationships?

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Well, I was that single person for all my life (until this year). See the post to read why I was single for so long.
I thought I knew so much about what it’s like being in one. When I started my first relationship, I realized I was wrong. I didn’t know so much. I only knew about a quarter of what I thought I knew. I’m a bookworm so I would read books on dating and courtship and I also enjoy learning from other’s experiences but these were all observations and not my own life experiences.
At the beginning of the year, I realized I had it coming. I had to roll up my sleeves and get ready to embark on this beautiful, unknown and unexpected journey.

 Lessons i'm learning in my first relationship. To glorify God is the goal*If you purchase a book from these recommendations (or purchase anything using the search bar), I might receive a small commission from your purchase that will not affect your cost.* 

Three lessons I’m learning in my First Relationship

Number 1: It is indeed possible to disagree without arguing

Initially, I sucked at this. In my mind, I assumed that if we disagree on something then I at least have to explain to him why I’m correct and him, not so correct at times.

I learned that a disagreement is not about who’s correct and who’s not. It’s about being willing to listen.

If no one is listening and trying to understand each other, then arguments start to take place.

Number 2: It takes time to understand each other

I just always thought a few dates is all it would take… Boy, was I wrong!

Unless you’ve known you’ve been dating for years or have been friends for years, then you most likely won’t just know a whole lot about him from the start. You’ll have an idea of who he is from the first couple dates, but there’s so much you won’t know unless you encounter you go through certain situations together. Or unless you ask specific questions.

I know you’ve probably heard of Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages. That book was such an eye-opener for me because the last thing on my mind was learning love languages. I’m grateful for Gary Chapman’s teaching because it not only helps me to understand him better but also understand myself. By understanding myself better, that enables the relationship to flourish even more.
Keep in mind I learned about the Five Love Languages way before my first relationship. So if you’re single and you believe the Lord is calling you to be married one day, now is the time to start educating yourself.
Make your relationship with God your focus, but keep the knowledge and wisdom coming.

 Number 3: God is the only one who can satisfy me at all times

I’ve always heard that “only God can complete you”. But I realize at the beginning of the relationship, I fell in the trap of thinking that he’ll always be able to meet my needs.
I quickly realized that only God can do that.
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19)

It becomes harmful when we think that being a relationship mean our partner will satisfy all our needs.

Whatever that need may be- emotional, spiritual, mental… Only God can fully satisfy them all through Jesus.
So dear Precious Heart, I hope these lessons can help you in your current or future relationship as you strive to glorify God through it.

What’s on my reading list:

I’ve started another book by Gary Chapman called Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married. Pick it up and let’s discuss!
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(7) Comments

  1. I LOVED this! So much truth 👏💕

    1. Synthia says:

      Amen. Thank you for reading sis😘😘

  2. Michael E Kiflai says:

    Well Said Synthia Josma Wish all the best in the journey!!!

    1. Synthia says:

      Hey Michael, thank you!!☺

  3. Fadeline says:

    I m Amazed by your history, well said Syn

    1. Synthia says:

      Aww All glory to God love 🙂

  4. Lovena says:

    Yes so true!

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