
Struggling to Read some of the Books in the Bible? Read this:

Struggling to Read some of the Books in the Bible? Read this:

Read this if you struggle to Read some of the Books in the Bible?

I used to want to skip the book of Exodus whenever I aim to read the Old Testament (well, also Leviticus). 
I would say things like, “This book is just full of laws given to God’s people, do we really have to read them”?

I even watched a video of Jackie Hill Perry in an interview and she was asked if she could create a study of a book, which book would it be and she said one of the old testament books that I haven’t even brought myself to study… I remember telling my partner I don’t know why anyone would want to write a whole study on that? Haha.

As some of you know, I’ve been working through reading the Bible Chronologically and of course, it eventually came time for me to read Exodus. The first half of the Book is and has always been very interesting to me.  The uninteresting part (or so I used to think) doesn’t come until after the 10 commandments are given. 

Struggling to Read some of the Books in the Bible? Read this:

As I was fasting and reading the Word, I started comprehending why someone would enjoy reading Exodus… I begin to see the Father’s love and His attributes all over the Book.

His love for humanity is found throughout the Bible

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    I was in tears reading some of it, like the time where God says in Exodus 22:26, if you take your neighbor’s clothes,  be sure to bring it back because if you don’t, and I hear him crying to me because he doesn’t have anything to cover himself and sleep in, then I will his cries. 
    I cried because this shows how much God loves His children. He cares even for the clothes on our back (insert praise dancing).
    In the topic of how to treat strangers that comes to your land, he said in verse 21, “you should not mistreat or oppress them”. Today, there have been so many talks about racism; it’s clear that God is against the oppression and mistreatment of people. 

    As I read more about our gracious God, I can’t help but be overwhelmed by how much He loves us and care for us. How much He loves and protects His people… so much so that He was sure to have a set of statutes to give the Israelites on how to live a life of holiness that is pleasing to Him. 

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    Do you struggle to read some of the Books in the Bible? How are you reading the Word of God?

    I realize that sometimes we read the Word of God from the wrong perspective. We look at it as though it’s just for our own good and seeking to get something so we can get closer to God. While, yes, the Word does help us get closer to God; I choose to never look at these books the same again because I now see them as an opportunity to learn more about the character of my God, The One Whose image I was made in. Besides if I’m supposed to reflect God, I should be focused on knowing who He is.
    As I’m learning more about Him, I’m understanding His redemption plan and why He created us to begin with. 

    I pray He reveals the same to you. Are we friends on Instagram? Let’s stay connected there.

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