Relationship Singleness

6 Types of Friends You Should Avoid If You Want to Live a Peaceful Life

6 Types of Friends You Should Avoid If You Want to Live a Peaceful Life

6 Types of Friends You Should Avoid If You Want to Live a Peaceful Life

My longest friendship has been with someone I met in middle school. She moved miles away during our high school years, yet she was my high school prom date (yes, I brought my best friend as my date).

We moved away for college and were still really close. One of us eventually moved out of states. We did not talk every week or every month for that matter, yet our bond was unbreakable.

In my book, Singleness Done Right, I share how friendship to me is something sacred. I’m cautious with the type of people I allow in my surroundings and thrice as cautious about the type of friends I allow in my close circle. Why? For one, the Word of God tells us:

He who walks with wise men will be wise,
But the companion of fools will be destroyed ( Proverbs 13:20 NKJV).

Also because I love being at peace, not just with myself but also with the people around me. As believers, we should hang out with all sorts of people because we’re all God’s children and we should share God’s love with everyone (i mean everyone). But there’s a difference between a close friend you can have in your close circle and everyone else.

Friendships are an important part of life but if you’re not careful with the friends you choose, you’ll regret it later on.

Types of friends you should avoid

I want to get into the type of friends you should avoid when choosing your circle of friends.

  1. The Narcissist Friend
    Have you ever met a narcissistic person? They believe the world revolves around them. When you’re with them they talk about themselves nonstop because that’s all they care about. I believe with friendship should come genuine care from both sides.

2. The Pessimists Friend describes the word pessimistic as “the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst. A pessimistic attitude isn’t very hopeful, shows little optimism, and can be a downer for everyone else”. There’s a difference between someone who once in a while has a negative thought versus one who looks at everything negatively.

3. The Friend who believe they never do anything wrong
She believes she’s always right about everything and everyone is always wrong.

4. The Friend who is not open to correction
Not only does she believe she is always right but you wouldn’t dare tell her she’s wrong about anything or else she gets upset.

Whoever rebukes a man will later on find more favor than someone who flatters with his words (Proverbs 28:23).

5. The Friend who gets upset when you share how you feel
Sis, how can you be friends with someone who is not able to hear how you feel about things? Worse yet, she gets upset when you share how things make you feel. How can you be your true self around such a person?

Do not be a friend of one who has a bad temper, and never keep company with a hothead, or you will learn his ways and set a trap for yourself (Proverbs 22:24-25).

6. The Friend who is not happy for you when you reach a new milestone in your life
Chances are if they’re not happy for others; they’re not happy for you either. Do you observe this? I don’t know about you but I’d like my friends to at least be genuinely happy for me. This can become a dangerous thing in a friendship because you won’t feel comfortable celebrating your accomplishments with your friend. This can easily be resolved with your friend bringing up how she feels and why.

One chapter of my book is designated to the topic of building authentic friendship. You can grab the ebook here to learn more about this topic and others relating to singleness.

My prayer for you:

I pray that the Lord gives you discernment to be able to recognize those you should be around and those that shouldn’t. May He give you the wisdom to make wise choices when it comes to finding friends who will help you grow in different ways and glorify Him.

With love,

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