
5 Ways to Navigate the Holiday as a Single

Christian singles, christian singles during holidays, navigating holidays as a single christian

5 Ways to Navigate the Holiday as a Single

Two years ago around this time, I skipped Thanksgiving dinner with my family because I didn’t want to hear the questions about my relationship status. 

Most people get questions like, “Are you still single?”, “You’re done with college now, when are you gonna bring a special guy home?”… Ugh, annoying. At least for me, it was. Ironically enough, I started dating three months later. I know this season gets a little crazy for some. I want to share a couple of things you could do in lieu of staying home.

Not every single person feels lonely around the holidays but for many singles, it’s the loneliest time of the year. 

Here are my words of advice to you during the holidays: 

1. Do guard your heart and mind

We sometimes get so desperate to have someone by our side that we become okay with dating just ANYBODY. 

Remember that if God puts a desire in your heart for marriage, your time will come. So as we approach the holidays, someone you don’t want to be with will probably text you and ask you to hang out or slide in your DM- it’s going to be up to you to choose if you want to entertain them or guard your heart. 

5 Ways to Navigate the Holiday as a Single

2. Be with the people who bring you joy

I’ve learned it’s important to spend time with family because you don’t know how much longer you will have with them. If you have amazing family members who encourage and uplift you, go over and spend time with them. If your family members, do the opposite- it’s up to you if you want to spend time with them but I’ve found that we sometimes avoid our entire family for one or two people who may not be so fun to be around. Beware of that. If you have to go for an hour, do it.  

3. Do a Friend get together

Aside from being with family, gather some friends and have everyone bring a dish. Play some games, dance and just have fun.

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4. Take a road trip or travel

Drive or take the train to visit those you love. If you’re looking to travel, the holiday is a good time to do so as it keeps your mind off of certain things, like how all your friends may be so happy and loved while you feel like you’re not loved because of your relationship status. Ps, you are loved regardless of your relationship status.

5. Participate in community service

There are many organizations that are helping the homeless during the holidays. Look into a local organization and put in some time. Besides, what better way to spend the holiday season than giving back?

Yes, being single during the holidays can be quite difficult for many. Proposals and weddings are taking place and some family members treat singleness as a disease but you can still make the most out of this season. 

What are some other things you would add to the list? Chat with me below. Share this post with a sister who may be single or away from family. 

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