When was the last time you started to get to know someone and you realize you were really into him? I mean you liked him so much that you wanted to be careful with the questions you ask him. You didn’t want to accidentally ask a question then end up not liking the answer. Mainly because you know you have standards and values that you want to uphold and certain answers can potentially put an end to the freshly formed relationship.
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Topic 1: Spiritual Life
Before anything and I do mean before anything. Before this relationship gets any further. Ask yourself, is he spiritually fit? What I mean is does he have a relationship with the Lord or is he one who just goes to church because that’s what he grew up doing? Sis, you need to figure that out before allowing this relationship to get serious. If the spiritual aspect is very important to you, then discussing this will help you avoid unnecessary heartbreaks.
Topic 2: Vision and goals

Topic 3: Children
This one is simple and straightforward. If one of you don’t want kids but the other does, well sis, now is the time to walk away. Yes I know can God can change one’s heart but people usually feel strongly about things like this for a reason. So talk about this so you know where you both stand on this subject.
Topic 4: Family and Friends
I believe the dating stages is when you need to talk about everything you can think of and this is one of the topics we don’t necessarily think about until after marriage.
Some people did not grow up having a close relationship with family members and may not want to have Thanksgiving (or any holidays) at a family’s place. If you’re the type that spends a lot of time with your family member, will you be okay with that? In Gary Chapman’s book Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Got Married, he shares a great example of how things like this will require compromise and working together. Will you both be willing to comprise in this area?
Talk about your friendships. I’ve seen it where one partner says “no more friends, I’m all your need” (may sound funny, but it happens). I’ve also seen where one partner is neglected because the other is so focused on other friendships. It’s important to understand and discuss where each other so you can take it from there.
Topic 5: Marriage
That probably should have been the second one, right? Don’t be afraid to ask him for his view on marriage or if he even wants to be married in the future. If he doesn’t see marriage as something he’d ever want in his future then you’re most likely wasting your time.
The dating stage is the place where clear expectations are set. Talk about these topics before getting to the “serious stage” of the relationship. Some heartbreaks can be avoided.
Another important topic you would add to this list? Feel free to comment below and share this with a sister.
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