Relationship Singleness

3 Signs He is Really Into You

I’ve never had a guy so concerned about getting to know the real me like he was. Here’s what I mean- I’ve had guys try to talk to me in the past, most I didn’t give a chance for dates (we’ll get to that another time). But in short, I was pretty picky with who I allowed close to me because I quickly realized that some guys wanted to simply waste my time.

But when I started dating my boyfriend, he shared one major concern he observed about me. Although he didn’t immediately tell me why it was a concern of his, I later realized that it’s because he already had in mind the kind of woman he wants to marry and ladies, just like we have standards, some men do too.

 This showed me that not only did he have eyes on me, but he truly cared for more than just casual dating. To my singles (non-married sis)- If he’s into you, you will know. “How”, you ask?  

1. He will make the time for you.

Sis, hear me out here. It doesn’t matter how busy the man is. It doesn’t matter if he works two jobs, goes to school, and runs a business simultaneously. If he is truly interested in you, he will make time for you. He may not be able to go out with you as often, but if getting to know you is a priority to him- you will not hear excuses coming out of his mouth about how his schedule is packed this whole week or how he forgot to call you the past few days. 

My words of advice to you: refuse to be in a one-sided relationship.

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2. He will desire to know the real you. 

Keep in mind there are all kinds of guys out there with all types of intentions. It is your job to be able to discern their intentions. Some guys are here to waste your time while some are not. How do you know he is genuinely interested in knowing you? He will do so by asking you questions that will get you saying to him, “ooh, I need to ask you this because I need to know this about you too”.

He will genuinely have a desire to know more about your goals, faith and values, family, friends and the list goes on.  Everyone’s personality is different so some guys may ask questions from the get-go while some may take a few dates to get comfortable enough to ask questions.

3. He will make his intentions clear. 

Sis, nobody has time to be second-guessing whether or not he’s in this for the long run. 

By making his intentions clear, I’m not saying that he has to tell you he loves you and wants to be with you on the second date. If he does that, that’s usually not a good sign (especially if he just met you and hardly know you). A man makes his intention clear by letting you know whether or not he’s dating just for fun or he’s dating to find his wife. Dating with the intention of marriage is also usually known as courting.

Once the intention is known, the relationship will not be one-sided because you’ll both know the level of interest to invest in it. 

If his intention is to have sex before marriage, this should also be communicated (so you can take the exit door). 
You will not have to chase him down. You will not have to hear excuses as to why he can’t take you out or spend time with you. If he treasures you, you’ll know. 

You will not have to chase him down. You will not have to hear excuses as to why he can’t take you out or spend time with you. If he treasures you, you’ll know. 

Time is so valuable. If you ask me, it’s too valuable to waste by dating guys whose intentions aren’t clear or who aren’t truly interested in getting to know you.

Let me know below if these 3 signs were helpful.

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